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quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013

Bienal of graffiti brings together works of 50 artists from different parts of the world.

The second International Bienal of Grafitti Fine Art, that shows a prospect of the different greffiti styles, technics and concepts, started las tuesday (22/01), at the MUBE (Museu Brasileiro da Escultura), in São Paulo. Among the attractions are works of 51 national and international artists, from different generations, all recognized in the urban art world. Besides the social appeal, the exposition tells with colorful panels, traits and ideas coming from different parts of the world. Among the artists, sixteen are foreigners, whom produced unpublished work for the Bienal. In the japanese work, for example, the graffiti artists are shown with slanted eyes. Daze, from Bronx, in New York, honored São Paulo and its Vale do Anhangabaú. The brazilians also surprised, doing their work on aluminium plates and glass tile, the ones used to cover the bathroom walls. "The graffiti artists are moving from walls to use other ways to develop their art", says Renata Junqueira, creator of the exposition. The urban art is also exposed in cars, sculptures, huge puppets and in interesting settings, like a village where the indians use sneakers and don`t give up on technology. All the works, even the ones done by the foreigners, were done in São Paulo, specially for the exposition and show the different graffiti styles. "Visual artist goes from the gallery to the streets, the graffiti artist comes from the streets to the gallery, from interventions not always authorized", explains the curator of the event, Binho Ribeiro. The exposition goes until the 17th of february

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